Keeping You Connected

The SCCMA keeps you up to date on the latest news,
policy developments, and events

Saving Private Practice is a program designed to assist physicians in Santa Clara County from solo/small/medium medical practices with educational webinars and resources. 

Speical Events

Event: Brown and Toland 

Date: Thursday, August 29

Time: 5:30 PM

Location: Meso Mediterranean, Santana Row, San Jose 

Registration: 30 spots, first come first serve. RSVP to SCCMA President Gloria Wu, MD at (408) 621 - 9074 or Marcina Herrera (415) 972-4185. 

Brown and Toland Physicians is hosting an event on Thursday, August 29th at Meso Modern Mediterranean at 5:30pm , Santana Row, San Jose CA. They offer clinically integrated PPO network, ACO arrangements, HMO group contracting, Medicare Shared Savings Program, group purchasing, vaccine program and many other benefits to help improve the quality of patient care.

Brown and Toland has been around for over 30 years starting in San Francisco and is now in 7 counties across the bay area. Their goal has always been to help community physicians remain independent. The event will be an opportunity to learn about Brown and Toland, meet their leadership and ask questions.

For more information about the event on August 29th, email Gloria Wu, MD - President of SCCMA at

Webinar Series

The Santa Clara County Medical Association (SCCMA) will host monthly webinars for physicians and their staff to assist with office operations, decision making, and practice management. Each webinar will be hosted every third Wednesday of the month at 12:15 PM for physicians and their staff to attend together.

One-hour webinar sessions will be led by Debra Phairas, President of Practice and Liability Consultants, LLC. Practice and Liability Consultants, LLC provides practice management consulting services. Webinars will be recorded and slides will be available after the presentation. 

Webinar 1: Practice Options

Webinar 2: Survival Skills to Thrive in Private Practice!

Webinar 3: Top 10 Strategies to Lower Overhead Costs in Your Practice

Webinar 4: Analyzing and Negotiating PPO Contracts
Watch the recording

Watch the recording

Watch the Recording

Watch the Recording


Webinar 5: Tips to Avoid "Practice Management Hypertension"

Webinar 6: Avoiding and Preventing Embezzlemnet

Webinar 7: Managing Your Manager (for Physicians)

Webinar 8: Buying, Selling, Transitioning a Medical Practice

Watch the Recording


Watch the Recording


Watch the Recording


Watch the Recording

Webinar 9: Physician Income Distribution Plans

Webinar 10: How Private Practices Can Use
Technology & Data to Improve Quality

Watch the Recording


Watch the Recording

Stay Tuned for more Practice Management events! To join the email list for upcoming events and more information on Saving Private Practice, please contact the Director of Membership and Programs, Angelica at

Additional Resources

A mini-series from the AMA STEPS Forward podcast to help navigate medical practice business operations and efficiency solutions to create and support thriving business. Episodes cover topics such as:
A System-level appraoch to EHR inbox reduction
Physicians from from 3 organizations provide a 9-step process (PDF) and a checklist (PDF) to reduce EHR inboxes at the system level based on their personal experiences eliminating unnecessary burdens and improving EHR workflows at each of their organizations.

Having Trouble with Prior Authorization? 

If you have waited days or months for an insurance company to approve a treatment prescribed by your doctor, the California Medical Association (CMA) wants to hear from you. Share your unique experience as physician or health care professional so we can fight back to ensure California policy puts patients first. Share your experience by clicking HERE