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Local News


 The Hawaii Medical Association (HMA) has created a Maui Support page with information on donating, volunteering and other important resources for locals. Please help us share this information!

This webpage will be regularly updated with new information so please check back frequently. Thank you to the Hawaii Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics: Maui Resources — Home ( and other community partners from whom resources have been tapped. Last updated, 8/16/23 at 8:37 pm Hawaii time.

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We Stand with Maui and Hawaii Island

Aloha HMA Members, and our entire community in Hawaii and beyond,

It has been a difficult time as we witness the heartbreaking images of the devastating wildfires on Maui and Hawaiʻi Island, especially Lahaina. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all affected by this disaster.

A large part of what makes Hawaii so special is the feeling of ohana, and the willingness and compassion our people demonstrate to help during times of great need. HMA stands ready with our state, county and nonprofit partners to assist where we can.

Seeking Physician Volunteers: Add Your Name to the Volunteer List

As efforts switch to search and rescue, the need for physicians is inevitable. In an effort to assist HiEMA, we're compiling a list of physicians who can volunteer their time and expertise. We've already received 70+ pledges to help; if you'd like to be added to the volunteer list, email Mark Conching at Include a contact phone number and email, along with your specialty. We'll forward the list to HiEMA and they'll contact volunteers directly if needed. Feel free to circulate this request to any of your colleagues.

The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is also calling for volunteers. The Hawaii MRC operates under the Hawaii State Department of Health. In a disaster, MRC volunteers may be activated to provide surge capacity to DOH and other emergency management partners. To become a member of the MRC requires submitting an application.

Healthcare professionals who wish to volunteer can also do so now via the Hawaii State DOH website, Maui Wildfire Response: We Are Here to Help You (State of Hawaii, Department of Health). You'll need to scroll down until you see "Volunteer Medical Services." 

The Hawaii Healthcare Emergency Management Coalition is a statewide, federally qualified, all-hazards, comprehensive emergency management healthcare coalition program.

Please keep the communities of Maui and Hawaii Island in your thoughts. The challenges will be great, but we'll get through this as an ohana.

Information originally received from and posted on

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