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AMPAC Campaign School Returns In-Person This Fall

AMPAC is excited to announce that the 2023 Campaign School will be returning in-person October 12–15 at the AMA offices in Washington, DC!    Running an effective campaign can be the difference between winning and losing a race. That’s why the Campaign School is designed to give you the skills and strategic approach you will need out on the campaign trail. Our team of political experts will teach you everything you need to know to run a successful campaign. Under the direction of our lead trainers, participants will be broken into ...
MCO Tax Social Square1.png


Donaldo Hernandez, M.D., the president of the California Medical Association (CMA), issued the following statement in response to the introduction of a bill to renew the state’s Managed Care Organization (MCO) Tax and invest in the Medi-Cal system: “Physicians applaud the Governor and legislative leaders for their work to seize the tremendous, generational opportunity before us to renew the MCO Tax and use its revenue to fulfill the promise of Medi-Cal to provide meaningful access to care for the most vulnerable Californians. This investment in Medi-Cal means that millions of patients will have ...

REMINDER: Write Your Congress Person Today!

The California Medical Association is urging physicians to contact their Members of Congress today and encourage them to sign a “Dear Colleague” letter that urges the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to promptly finalize its proposed prior authorization rules and hold big insurance companies accountable for the undue burden their policies put on physicians and patients. The deadline to sign is May 19, 2023.  Last year, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Improving Seniors' Access to Timely Care Act; bipartisan legislation with over 300 cosponsors requiring Medicare Advantage plans ...

Grassroots call to action requested by CMA

Today, CMA launched a grassroots campaign in opposition to SB 784. The SB 784 bill would allow permanent exemptions to the Corporate Bar for health care districts which would set a dangerous precedent for physicians and patients across the state. This bill will be heard in the Senate Appropriation Committee on May 8th at 10 am. The bill so far has had no “No” votes in any policy committee. We know that expressed concern from physicians in their district will help Senators understand why this bill must be stopped.  Please go to ...

CMA statement on Supreme Court's order granting stay in medication abortion case

Donaldo Hernandez, M.D., the president of the California Medical Association (CMA), issued the following statement in response to the Supreme Court order granting a stay in the lawsuit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over its approval of mifepristone. “The U.S. Supreme Court’s order today to stay the lower court rulings is great news, as it means mifepristone will remain available in the interim for the lives and welfare of millions of people who might need this drug that has been FDA-approved as safe and effective for 23 years. “As ...